AVAILABLE NOW — The Strivr app for Apple Vision Pro
XR use cases for


Close knowledge gaps and build learners’ confidence in core competencies that result in improved patient care, communication, and clinical outcomes.

Snapshot from a live action VR training course set inside a hospital room with a nurse assessing the response of a patient sitting in a hospital bed.
State of the workplace

Deliver real-world impact

See why healthcare providers choose Strivr to train, upskill, and reskill clinical staff and personnel.

Advent Health logo
of healthcare professionals felt more confident in assessing patient conditions after XR training
Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford logo
of medical trainees validated XR training as an effective method for practicing difficult conversations in clinical settings

Improve patient care

Sample training topics

Optimize clinical outcomes through personalized, attentive patient care

Elevate patient and visitor experiences by providing healthcare personnel with opportunities to learn, practice, and master critical interpersonal communication skills and individualized care strategies in XR.

Empathy & bedside manner

Practice authentically acknowledging, empathizing with, and addressing patients’ perspectives, concerns, and emotions across a number of challenging interactions.

Delivering bad news

Learn and apply strategies for delivering bad news to patients and their families with care, respect, and sensitivity.

Caring for patients with dementia

Understand and apply strategies for effectively communicating with, treating, and providing person-centered care to patients with dementia.

Neonatal care

Practice assessing, monitoring, and providing specialized care to newborns and infants with long- and short-term complications in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit settings.

In-home patient care

Understand the nuances of providing personalized, attentive care to home-bound patients, including medication management, dressing, and grooming.

Cross-cultural awareness

Practice demonstrating cultural sensitivity and respect for patients from culturally, linguistically, and socioeconomically diverse backgrounds.

Close knowledge gaps

Sample training topics

Train, upskill, and reskill your workforce at scale

Provide learners with a safe space to practice and build confidence in core competencies that result in improved job performance, learning retention, and clinical outcomes.

New hire onboarding

Expedite the onboarding process by equipping new hires with the skills, knowledge, and experience necessary to step into their new role with confidence.

New process training

Improve performance and productivity by allowing employees to learn and practice new processes and procedures in XR so they can build confidence and mastery before executing them on the job.

Compliance training

Leverage XR for regulatory compliance training to keep staff informed and up-to-date on the latest industry policies and procedures.

IV administration

Learn how to assess vein suitability, operate equipment, and mitigate potential complications to ensure safe and successful medication delivery.

Hazard identification

Practice systematically scanning your surroundings to identify, address, and prevent workplace safety hazards and unsafe behaviors among coworkers.

Equipment handling procedures

Learn how to properly operate, inspect, and troubleshoot clinical equipment and machinery to ensure appropriate use and administration in the healthcare setting.

Enhance safety & security

Sample training topics

Bolster your safety & security posture with emergency preparedness training

Immerse learners in life-like emergency simulations designed to strengthen crisis management skills and promote adherence to emergency response protocols.

Patient de-escalation

Learn and apply conflict resolution and emotional regulation strategies to calmly and safely de-escalate anxious, hostile, scared, and potentially violent patients.

Active threat response

Enact emergency response protocols to protect yourself and others in the event of an armed attack, including coordinating with fellow staff members and law enforcement.

Evacuation procedures

Learn how to assess evacuation routes, prioritize patients based on condition, and coordinate with staff to ensure the orderly and timely evacuation of patients and visitors.

Hospital lockdown procedures

Practice implementing lockdown procedures and coordinating with staff to protect and maintain the health the safety of patients, visitors, and staff.

Personal protective equipment (PPE)

Understand the requirements, limitations, and standards for proper PPE usage as well as how to conduct an effective PPE hazard assessment.

Data privacy & security

Learn how to identify, prevent, and mitigate data breaches and cybersecurity threats to safeguard patient confidentiality and protected health information (PHI).

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