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Empathy at scale: Why Walmart associates are eagerly seeking VR to practice kindness

Jun 29, 2021
min watch

Is it possible to teach kindness? What role does kindness play in de-escalating a frustrated customer? As Walmart discovered, not only can we teach frontline workers to be more kind, but associates are eager for training on the topic because it builds both their skills and their confidence.

In our upcoming webinar, you’ll hear from Walmart’s Heather Durtschi, Sr. Director of Learning Content Design & Development, about one of the most successful customer service trainings ever deployed for the world’s #1 retailer. A combination of empathy-building, de-escalation, and handling difficult conversations, the Virtual Reality-based experiences have exceeded nearly every expectation set by Heather and her team in terms of adoption, feedback, and performance.

Learn from the company that’s deployed over 50 VR training experiences about how VR not only improves skills, but also influences how employees feel: valued, confident, and engaged.

Tune into this webinar to learn

  • How VR creates complete mental transportation that leads to more effective skill-building and memorable learning
  • How Walmart used VR to help thousands of employees practice kindness during stressful and challenging times
  • Best practices for bringing an Immersive Learning Platform to your organization


Heather Durtschi
Sr. Director of Learning, Content Design & Development, Walmart
Derek Belch
Founder & CEO, Strivr
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